Thursday, 27 February 2014

Migraine-addled musings

If this post is a bit garbled I'm recovering from a 2 day migraine and I'm still feeling a bit fragile so I can only apologise!

My first article for the placement has been published - on the front page of the newsletter! - and it is SO rewarding seeing that my work has actually been used. I'm so so grateful for this placement.

I've spent the past two days in lectures/seminars and watching Netflix. I finished House of Cards - that ending!!! - so now I've started watching The Tudors in the evenings. So far I'm not enjoying it that much but I think it's because I've seen pretty much the whole first season before, I just got out of watching it. Hopefully the following seasons will be more interesting. In my days plagued with illness I've been watching Stephen Fry in America which I'm finding seriously interesting. My dream of travelling the USA has only been strengthening. I think it's the vastness that captivates me - the landscape is so huge and the culture is so varied.

I'm currently in the process of trying to sort out a house for next year. The estate agents are being awkward and won't allow me to see the tenancy agreement until I've paid my deposit and my mum has signed to be guarantor so I'm going in tomorrow to try and sort that out. Surely it can't be right????

Getting a takeaway tonight so the healthy eating kick is definitely going to take a hard hit tonight but I still feel too tender to cook!

I haven't been out drinking for a couple of weeks so this is my reward I guess.

I'm out Saturday for a lunch date with my friend and then I'm going to a house party that night.

I really need to stop spending money... I'm going to be out £320 tomorrow if we sort out the housing complications!!

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